All the things you need to know when you plan on commissioning an artwork from me

About my art

I'm free to refuse any work I consider too difficult or out of my comfort zone. Be careful when you ask for an original character not to simply ask another artist's work (character or outfit). If you want a special design, I have an offer for it.I'll do:
-Short Gif and animations
-Comic pages
-Personal character design
I won't do :
-Hardcore fetishes
-Furries (animalistic head or body, catgirls are fine for example)
-Real people
-Furutistic gears (and spaceships)
-Any pairing with Katarina and Garen (from League of Legends) that is not them together.


Maybe you ever wondered what you had the rights or not to do with a commissioned piece and what kind of rights the artist keeps on their work.What you can do :
- Post the piece on your socials. However it is recommended to post/repost the watermarked version to avoid getting the original picture stolen by someone else.
- Use it to promote yourself if you ordered a banner or an illustration for your channel/socials (a tag for the artist is appreciated).
- Print for personal use.
- Claim the character as your own if you asked for a personal design.
What the artist can do :
- Post the watermarked version on my socials or as example in my commissions price list.
- Own all the rights of the produced drawing, but not on the character itself (fanart or Oc).
What you can't do :
- Claim the art as your own.
- Reproduce or use the copyrighted artwork commercially.
- Altering the artwork without my consent.
What the artist can't do:
- Sell if for personal benefits.
- Forget to mention the produced work is a commission (and tag on socials if the client is fine with it)
However I can decide to reclaim the rights if the client breaks one of the rules aboveBut what if I want to sell a product including the art from an artist I like (for a video game/comic/goodies etc...) ? And what if I don't want my commissioned piece to be posted online?Then it's another type of problem: copyrights can be bought to the artist in this case but depending on the reasons and the uses, the price is different.

Work and payment process

How does it work?
- After we agree on your project, you can enter the queue by paying beforehand. Transaction fee is on you.
- I'll provide a sketch for clean works before starting to work deeply on the commission piece. If everything is fine, after this step I don't make any tweak or refund. After I delivered the art, it's not use to come after me for changes, even more since you haven't provided the correct references.
- I do the art pieces in the order I get them paid in the queue. I also have Patreon requests to do every month and they are my priority since I value their dear loyalty.
- I'll ping you when I'll be starting with your piece so you get ready if I ever need you for details (I'm always full of questions to make sure I don't make mistakes).
What if I want to skip the queue?(because I need it as a birthday gift for example)Depending on the queue size, we can agree on a fee so you get a fast pass.

In any case, best thing if to contact me and ask me if you have any doubt. In some case, exceptions can be met and we can find an agreement on things I'm usually reluctant about. Most of the time, it's best to ask a piece of art fitting the artist's artsyle and affinities so you get the best of them.

SIREN 910 869 858

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